'You don't get anything you don't ask for'
Ihis is an implicit rule - be it any relation, any environment. My previous boss mentioned it explicitly, for which (and for many other things) I respect him highly.
Ihis is an implicit rule - be it any relation, any environment. My previous boss mentioned it explicitly, for which (and for many other things) I respect him highly.
Andy Bramson, referring to a CNET story that Microsoft is getting into voice now: http://andyabramson.blogs.com/voipwatch/2006/06/we_too_we_also_.html .
They say, everything in life is a choice. Well, I think sometimes it's not.
Alexander Muse (http://texasvc.weblogswork.com/), on Net Neutrality, arguing that it doesn't matter even if it gets passed in Congress i.e. eventually someone will come along and offer neutral connections, which is what we really want.